
yu - 浴 - yù
(bath 的英文翻译)

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bath, to bathe

汉字 汉字(现代汉字即简体字),点击下方的小字看汉字的笔划顺序动画来学习怎样正确的书写汉字"我们怎样正确书写 浴 ( yù ) ?"


汉字  ( yu / yù ) 包括发音 (英文翻译: bath )
这是…的现代(简体)汉字 的繁体字是和上面显示的现代汉字(简体字)完全一样的.
Character complexity
the more strokes, the harder it is to write and memorize this character the more strokes, the harder it is to write and memorize this character the more strokes, the harder it is to write and memorize this character the more strokes, the harder it is to write and memorize this character the more strokes, the harder it is to write and memorize this character 

is composed of 10 strokes and therefore is of average complexity compared to the other simplified Chinese characters (average: 13.1 strokes).
包含 浴 ( yu / yù ) 的汉字组合
淋浴 ( línyù = shower ), 沐浴露 ( mùyùlù = shower bath ), 浴霸 ( yùbà = bath heater ), 浴缸 ( yùgāng = bathtub ), 浴巾 ( yùjīn = bath towel ), 浴室 ( yùshì = bathroom )
Other Chinese words that mean bath in English
yùgāng ( 浴缸 ), yùshì ( 浴室 ), zăo ( 澡 )
Other Chinese words that mean to bathe in English
( 沐 )

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版本 5.40 / 最新更新: 2023-07-28