我一个人 ( wo yi ge ren / wŏ yī gè rén ) 的组成元素是这些汉字:
我 (wo)
, 一 (yi)
, 个 (ge)
, 人 (ren)
我一个人 ( wo yi ge ren / wŏ yī gè rén ) 繁体字
我一个人 ( wo yi ge ren / wŏ yī gè rén ) 的中文例句ⓘWriting in Pinyin Before using this Pinyin example sentence, consider that Chinese characters should always be your first choice in written communication. If you cannot use Chinese characters, it is preferable to use the Pinyin with tones. Only use the Pinyin without tones if there's no other option (e.g. writing a text message from/to a mobile phone that doesn't support special characters such as ā, í, ŏ, ù).