注: 这个汉字包含有发音 dŏu。 但是,在不同的发音情况下,这些汉字的意思也会发生改变 (not yet available in this dictionary).
英文翻译 您可以点击右上角对应国家的国旗来获取德文,法文和西班牙文翻译
fight"为什么有些翻译是变灰显示的?" 这是因为这个汉字的含义并不能在英文中作为翻译显示,从而归类到变灰显示的类别。 例如, 必 (bì)有必须要、不得不的含义,但是 must的中文翻译并不是必 (bì)而是必须 (bìxū)., to contend, to fight, to struggle
斗 ( dou / dòu ) 的中文例句ⓘWriting in Pinyin Before using this Pinyin example sentence, consider that Chinese characters should always be your first choice in written communication. If you cannot use Chinese characters, it is preferable to use the Pinyin with tones. Only use the Pinyin without tones if there's no other option (e.g. writing a text message from/to a mobile phone that doesn't support special characters such as ā, í, ŏ, ù).
Gou shengxing ai dou.
Gŏu shēngxìng ài dòu.
Character complexity
斗 is composed of 4 strokes and therefore is of very low complexity compared to the other simplified Chinese characters (average: 13.1 strokes).
斗 ( dou / dòu ) 这里出现的汉字属于第 1000 个最常用的汉字 (排名 612)
包含 斗 ( dou / dòu ) 的汉字组合
斗争 ( dòuzhēng = struggle ),格斗 ( gédòu = wrestling match ),熨斗 ( yùndŏu = electric iron ),战斗 ( zhàndòu = fight )
Other characters that are pronounced dòu in Chinese